Wednesday 23 July 2014


Service has zero application (non-infrastructure) endpoints. This might be because no configuration file was found for your application, or because no service element matching the service name could be found in the configuration file, or because no endpoints were defined in the service element. This can happen if there is no proper endpoint configured for the service.

Here we will see how to fix the exception, the .Net Framing mode being used is not supported by 'net.tcp://....' See the server logs for more details.


If you are using netNamedPipeBinding for your communication then you may get an exception like
“There was an error reading from the pipe: Unrecognized error 109 (0x6d).”

This fix is helpful if you are using WCF streaming and you got this exception while transferring huge file using data contract. If you are using streaming and the stream is transferred to or from WCF service, then you will get an exception like
“There was an error while trying to serialize parameter The InnerException message was 'Type 'System.IO.FileStream' with data contract name 'FileStream:' is not expected. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add any types not known statically to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.'.  Please see InnerException for more details.”

 In this article we will see how to transfer a huge file to and from WCF services efficiently. WCF supports streaming of data. We will use streaming to transfer huge file efficiently to and from a WCF service. This article is all about transferring file using streaming transfer mode in WCF and it does not enforce you to use streaming always, because of its limitations.

 In this article, we will see how to create a simple WCF service. Then we will see how to host this WCF service in a console application with so called self-hosting. After that we will see how to expose service metadata via MEX endpoint. After that we will see how to create a proxy for the WCF service which has net.tcp and net.pipe endpoints using visual studio 2010.